How messed up is real estate? $800K, as is, WITH PERSON LIVING IN BASEMENT

[đź“·: Pexels/RODNAE Productions]

How screwed up is the real estate market right now?

People are absolutely SCRAMBLING to get either level up or get into some sort of home before interest rates get completely out of hand. So that’s why I’m not even blinking when I see a listing like this from Zillow Gone Wild:

To recap, you would be buying a home with someone already living in your basement. A stranger. Who pays you no rent. And you have no access to see what kind of conditions this person lives in nor whether or not said person is a serial axe murderer.

To be honest, this sounds like something straight out of the Netflix series Ozark. But like, a lot less entertaining.

And before you argue that there is NO WAY someone would buy under these conditions, the home is under contract as of 4/13/2022.

This, folks, is the real estate game in 2022. The only way to win is not to play. Maybe.