Kellogg CEO faces backlash after suggesting that poor people eat cereal for dinner to “save money”

Just weeks after the Pop-Tarts CEO has died, Kellogg’s has made a massive misstep.

In an interview with CNBC, Kellogg’s CEO Gary Pilnick suggested that poor people eat cereal for dinner to save money. He said, “When we think about our consumer under pressure, there’s things that we can do, but most importantly, what this category can do. The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure. So, some of the things that we’re doing is first, messaging. You’ve got to reach the consumer where they are, so we’re advertising about ‘cereal for dinner,’” Pilnick said. 

Pilnick claimed that many people are actually already eating cereal during dinner time and that it’s a growing trend among American families. 
