Do you think you have a good side? This is why!

I’ve thought that I have a “good side” for years. My left side. People might tease me, that’s fine. I can see an actual difference ok?! Mariah Carey thinks the same thing. She only lets the cameramen get her left side too during live shots. At least she did that at the VH1 Divas concert… such a diva move! Anyway, I know I’m not alone here. It turns out that there’s actually a scientific reason for this phenomenon. Emotional Lateralization is the idea that the two sides of our brain process and control emotions differently. Or some refer to this more simply as “left-side bias.” The right side of our brain controls emotion more and expression, but it also controls the LEFT side of your face. So if you’re a lefty, like myself, you’re using the right side of brain more, again the side that handles emotions… this is all in theory by the way. Showing more emotion on one side of your face makes people think that it’s more attractive or revealing, hence they like the left side better. Of course, that’s not to say that no one likes the right side of their face more. There are people that do. That’s why this theoretical at this point, but still very interesting is it not? What’s your good side? -Ali


Also why historically 60% of portraits are painted of the left side #symmetry #beauty

♬ original sound – NYC.Treyvonnnn🤬