Nearly half of young Americans don’t use or buy deodorant

It seems that nearly half the young people ages 18-24 aren’t using deodorant and haven’t in a month.

In a new poll by, they asked various age groups “Have you used deodorant or antiperspirants in the last 30 days?”

According to YouGov Plan and Track data:

“Nearly 40 percent of 18-24 years olds say they haven’t applied either of the products in the last month.The numbers change slightly for 25-to-34-year-olds, 31 percent of whom also haven’t used deodorant in the last month.”

They aren’t doing this for the lack of personal hygiene or health but because they don’t think they need to wear it.

We’d just like to say please wear it. You may not smell yourself but everyone else does, plus its summer!