Skrillex’s music can help stop mosquito bites

Scientists have discovered that electronic music can repel mosquitoes and could be an alternative to bug sprays.

The journal Acta Tropica published the research stating:

“In insects, low-frequency vibrations facilitate sexual interactions, whereas noise disrupts the perception of signals from conspecifics [members of the same species] and hosts.”

Scientists tested the theory on the species Aedes aegypti, the type of mosquito known for spreading yellow fever.

Here are more highlights from the research:

  • Music entertainment resulted in delayed response time and reduced visitation to host.
  • Females entertained with music attacked hosts much later than their non-entertained peers.
  • Blood feeding activity had low occurrence when music was played.
  • Adults entertained with music copulated far less than their counterparts kept in the environment where there was no music entertainment.

Dubstep music from Skrillex was chosen for the experiment because of the artist’s use of very high and very low frequencies, specifically the song Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites.

So when it comes summertime and the mosquitoes are out, just play Skrillex.