If you get a text with breasts, don’t answer it.

People in San Franciso are randomly getting the same unsolicited photo of a woman’s bra-clad but otherwise exposed, cleavage.

Local SF Redditors, have reported similar missives.

“Anyone else in SF getting texts from a random number who sends you a nude and then tries to flirt with you over text?” wrote Redditor NaturalPerspective. “I have had three people tell me it has also happened to them in the past 3 weeks. Wondering what is going on.”

It was learned that the point of the exchange was revealed to be a scam/marketing scheme. Basically, it’s designed to drive the textee to particular channels on a camming site.

Authorities like the Federal Communication Commission say to avoid such scams, do not answer communications from unfamiliar numbers.

Redditors say as far as scams go, this one at least comes with fun pictures.

“I just got a text message with a clearly phishy link,” wrote one user. “Not even lucky enough to get nudes.”

Lets just not respond to random numbers, shall we?


The KQX Morning Crew with Brian, Ali, and Justin.