Christmas Music Could Harm Your Mental Health

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You might want to put the Christmas decorations down for a second, and unwrap some presents, because there’s a new warning that Christmas music could be bad for your mental health. That’s right, if you’re in the mood to hum along to Christmas jingles, you might want to think again Chauncey.

Clinical psychologist Linda Blair told Sky News that Christmas songs can make us feel “trapped”. “It’s a reminder that we have to buy presents, cater for people, and organize celebrations,” she said. Well, surely that can’t be too bad unless “Grinch” or “Scrooge” is your middle name. (MORE HERE)

I don’t think any of us like being told to “Get in the Christmas spirit” or be made to feel as though we’re supposed to ‘FAKE HAPPY’ (thank you Paramore) for everyone. That actually makes me in a worse mood.

This is one of the only examples of Christmas music I want to hear this year. (-_\\) \m/
