Chicago (Yet Again) is the rattiest city in America

This sadly not surprising. Chicago has the most rats of any city in America. When the rats learn how to communicate how good deep dish and Polish sausages are, that’s when it is going to get worse.

In response to this news, $1 million has been promised to attack the ratty situation from Mayor Rahm Emmanuel. “The rodent battle will only benefit from the investment in garbage carts which helps ensure that residents can swap out any damaged carts for a new or refurbished one in a timely manner,” said Streets and Sanitation Commissioner Charles William in a press release.

The list is put together by the pest control Orkin.

1) Chicago
2) New York
3) Los Angeles
4) San Francisco – Oakland
5) Washington, DC
6) Philadelphia
7) Detroit
8) Baltimore
9) Seattle – Tacoma
10) Dallas – Ft. Worth