Reviews are in for ‘The Fate of the Furious’

The big blockbuster ridiculousness that is ‘The Fate of the Furious’ hit theaters this weekend with many wondering whether or not Dom and his ‘FAMILY’ can come back together or if the Rock is going to drive a muscle car through a bunch of stuff. This pre-summer popcorn action romp is the 8th film in the series, and it’s got a lot of expectations after the last film raked in hundred of millions around the world. So what are the reviews?

Currently Rotten Tomatoes is giving it a middle rating of 64% but reviews have never slowed ‘Fast and Furious’ from blowing stuff up on the big screen with box office success. Youtube movie guru Christ Stuckman reviewed the movie in his wife’s car because he stole it, he’s a runner now like Dom.