What your tattoo placement says about your personality

RIBCAGE- They’re highly confident about their bodies

FINGERS- Finger tattoos usually indicate a very concise person.

CALVES- People are eager to show them off. They’re probably more athletic so they can show them off in shorts.

FEET AND ANKLES- This spot is a favorite for introverts because you don’t see them right away or at all.

ARMS- They tend to live as they choose and don’t worry too much about consequences. Confidence is their game.

WRIST- They’re usually the most thoughtful. SOmetimes they cover up scars from the past so people feel the need to be open.

THIGH- Not many people end up seeing these so it gives deeper meaning to lovers.

CHEST-These people are also very confident. It’s probably romantic since it’s close to the heart.

BACK- People with back tatts are usually more mysterious and more bold.

EARS- They tend to be the most hippie-like

NECK- Tend to be the bravest of all. They’re not afraid to make tough choices.

FOREARM- They’re not scared to show it off and usually have a deeper meaning to their life.
