Good-looking people have more friends, make more money, and THIS???!

First they make more money, then have more friends, now this?! Their immune systems are stronger! Good-looking people really do have it all.

A study was done in Texas on 150 students in which they took their photos from the neck up with no makeup, and they also weren’t allowed to smile. Researchers then tested their blood to see how their immune systems were.

Then, 500 other participants rated how attractive the 150 students were. Guess what? The hottest ranking ones, also had the strongest immune systems.

Why did the hotties have better immunity?

We might be possibly preprogrammed to find mates with attractive features that signal good health like full lips, good skin, all that stuff. So we as humans can subconsciously tell if they’re healthy and would be good to mate with, i mean, be a good mate!