This can double the risk of erectile dysfunction in men

We all know that smoking is bad for you and there is a link between smoking and erectile dysfunction. Now some studies point to erectile dysfunction for e-cigarette users as well regardless of your smoking history. Men ages 20-65 who vaped daily were more than twice as likely to report ED. Dr. Besarantinia from the Keck School of Medicine at USC said that “nicotine and other chemicals in vapes can reduce the ability of arteries to get larger and dilated, and that is what causes erectile dysfunction. There are over 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke and 250 are known to be harmful. Newer generations of e-cigarettes introduce an increased amount of chemicals, and people are much more likely to use them daily, thus creating a higher likelihood for ED. Will it go away if you stop using? We need better studies in the future to say for sure, right now your best bet is to try to slowly ween yourself off of the stuff!