We’ve never heard Big Mouth Billy Bass sound like this

Big Mouth Billy Bass is an American institution. To some, he represents a certain charm about American culture and consumerism. There’s no good reason for Big Mouth Billy Bass to exist, but they do and for a lot of people that’s great. For some, however, like Tony Soprano, they represent everything that is wrong with the world.

When Big Mouth Billy Bass is hooked up to an Alexa giving it the ability to speak like Samuel L Jackson, however, this is no denying that this is not only a great piece of technology but something truly innovative in the market place. The only way that toys are going to be able to compete with a tablet-filled universe is if they all have the ability to speak like Samuel L Jackson. One could argue that would be bad for the children, but the other side of that coin is that an increased amount of Samuel L Jackson could be good for future generations.