Instant six pack is now a thing

So for anyone who doesn’t want to put their time and effort into working out at the gym, they can now get instant abs.

Masterpiece Hospital in Bankok now offers ‘instant six packs’. How they do it is different, instead of implanting silicone into patients’ abdomens, the abs are “etched” out by removing fat around the abdomen area. Creating a more natural and long-lasting appearance than fillers.

In an interview with Coconuts, Masterpiece Hospital CEO and surgeon Raweewat “Sae” Maschamadol shared that they receive between 20 and 30 customers each year asking for six-pack surgery. Along with how 90% of their patients who undergo the surgery are fitness buffs who are just having trouble reaching their goal.

They claim the surgery is painless, but the recovery process is not pretty.