Hershey’s is going to start making a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup with 40% less chocolate and peanut butter.

When I first read this I was like …. HERSHEY’S … Do you have NO SOUL?

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups aren’t necessarily a good part of a healthy diet and Hershey’s knows it.  So their answer is . . . slightly smaller Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!   Wait … didn’t they do this with those little annoying ones?

Hershey’s just announced they’re going to start selling a new version of Reese’s Cups in March that are 40% thinner than the current ones.  So that means less chocolate, less peanut butter, and, by definition, fewer calories and less sugar.

There’s no word on exactly HOW much “healthier” they’ll be, but if we reduce the numbers on a current Reese’s Cup by 40%, you’d drop from 110 calories to 66 . . . 6.5 grams of fat to 3.9 . . . and 11 grams of sugar to 6.6.

This sounds fine and dandy but this is NOT  gonna stop me from eating 20 of them.