Canada decides the F-word is not taboo for radio listeners’ ears

It may still be too blue for English speakers, but authorities in Canada have ruled that the F word is no longer taboo on French language broadcasts as its use is so commonplace.

The Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council (CBSC) had previously classified the word as being suitable only for adults in both French and English, banning its use on radio and television to beyond the evening watershed and even then, only with a warning.


I was raised by my Midwest grandmothers Viola & Dorothy to never curse in front of a woman. Even to this day it takes a lot for me to forget that. I’ve also done some form of broadcasting as my job my whole life.

I’ve always felt if you can’t say what you need to say without swearing to get a reaction or a laugh, it probably wasn’t that interesting or funny in the first place. That said, I don’t have anything against swearing. It’s a formality really. I mean the people who care are usually not the audience the particular piece of content was intended for anyway. In the world we live in now I think we’ve earned the right to express ourselves with a few words that Viola & Dorothy would most likely put us on a very extended time out for.

I don’t make the rules. I don’t see the FCC changing them anytime soon. They can’t stop me from thinking about it though.

Until then we’ll just have to bleep and blur everything to keep our children safe like Jimmy Kimmel does on his show.  #UnnecessaryCensorship


