Reviews are in for ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ and….


The reviews out of the gate for the anticipated for Marvel sequel to the surprise hit ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ are coming in with a mixture of opinions and a ton of excitement. The current Rotten Tomatoes score is a strong 85%, so that’s good but what nerdgastic joys should we expect from Starlord and company? ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ hits theaters on May 5th BUT YOU CAN WIN A PAIR OF TICKETS ALL THIS WEEK BY LISTENING TO 101WKQX during Brian & Lou at 7:30AM. 

Beyond the Trailer says the ride of ‘GOTG2’ started rough but ended very well. She also emphasizes that you should see it in 3D due the visual effects that are crafted for the in-your-lap adventure. Her video also digs into how the 5 , yes 5 end credit scenes tease into other Marvel Cinematic Universe films in the future.

Schmoes Knows were split on the sequel in the stars, saying it “does not live up to the promise” of the original but it still delivers a lot of fun.

Screen Junkies News recommended you go see this movie, goofing that you would be “weird” if you don’t. They also urge that you don’t go into it with ridiculous expectations.