Unethical Life Hacks, do you have the guts, or poor morals to try them?

This unethical life hack is so good you’ll want to try as soon as you can. Unless of course, your morals won’t allow you to do it. Here’s the scam, I mean, ‘hack’- if you’re on a flight, use a Visa Rewards bank card to make in-flight purchases such as food and drinks. They’ll complete the transaction, and give you your items, but they don’t run the cards until after the flight is over. SO, they won’t know until you leave that your card is no good to them. Also, if you’re on a Southwest flight, where the seating isn’t assigned, they have no way of tracking you. Brilliant! I mean, that’s awful! Now that you have this information, what are you going to do with it? You know you’re not getting into Heaven so you might as well try this hack! Have a good flight.


What are some unethical life hacks 7

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