

The Latest PS4 Problem? Cockroaches.

Owner of a PS4? Good for you. You also possess a potential roach motel.

Repairers of the popular gaming console say half the repairs they make are due to cockroach infestations. One such repair shop reports finding them “one a week,” has black bags of the dead bugs piled up in the corner, and is now charging a standard $25 “roach fee.”

Two big reasons why the creepy crawlies find their way in:   The warmth (from the internal power supply) — and the seclusion (usually in an entertainment center). Which is the hallmark of pretty much ANY gaming unit. So why the PS4 over other platforms? The bigger ventilation grates provide easier access, according to experts.

Chicago is the 16th most rat and roach infested city in America. Maybe Mom was right after all — your gaming really is leading to nothing good.