
Weekdays, 5 - 10am

Get Ready for Lolla!

Lolla tips

Lollapalooza weekend is upon us! Four long days of awesomeness this year and you need to be ready. Goldbond, old shoes and a poncho are a must, but here are a few links with more info that can help make your weekend easier.

Lollapalooza Tips for the Weekend page can be found HERE

What can you bring in? What will you be forced to ditch at the gate? All of that is explained HERE.

A must have, the official Lolla app! Andriod version,  iPhone version.

You’ll want to follow Lollapalooza on Facebook, TwitterInstagram and Snapchat. If there is any kind of an emergency or severe weather info those will be the best places to check for info.

And so you know exactly where you need to go…


Stay safe and have a blast this weekend!

